Mount Isa SES

Training nights held every Wednesday night, 6:30pm until finish. Everyone is welcome.

Help us help you

Make a donation to the State Emergency Service to help us help the community. Donations over $2 are tax deductible, every bit helps, so THANKYOU!

Are you ready?

Storm season is fast approaching, time is running out to get ready. So what are you waiting for? Find out more inside.

Are you ready?

Don't get complacent. We are affected by road and rail closures, can you survive 3 days?

Find out more inside.

Welcome to Mount Isa State Emergency Service website.

The SES is designed to empower people to help themselves and others in their communities in times of emergency and disaster.

The basic concept is one of self-help and mutual assistance.

​The Queensland State Emergency Service is available to assist their communities 24/7 in times of emergency and disaster.

By joining the Queensland State Emergency Service (SES) you will make a life changing commitment through actively contributing during disasters and emergencies locally, statewide and nationally.

There is an expectation of members to regularly attend training and support during activations where possible.

If this sounds like it would suit you, why not get in touch with your local SES and become a part of the team?